Prepare the Script

or “What Is She Talking About With These So-called “Performance Skills?” part 2

You may have read the Iris Incites welcome page and wondered,  “isn’t performing the opposite of what she said about ‘creating an authentic communication style?'”

You can guess where this is going.  In a word, no.  A presentation or speech in front of a group is not a natural occurrence.  It’s an event that takes place at a predetermined time and location. You plan words to speak and visual aids to use.  Now that you’re dealing with a script, performance skills like playwriting and acting are actually going to help you bring more of yourself to the task.

In the last post, we talked about how there is no audience, so let’s call the characters with fewer lines in this script “attendees.”

Every presentation is a play.  The script has at least two characters: the presenter and the attendees.  As the presenter, you’re not only the main character, you’re the playwright.  You have the advantage of controlling the script.  It’s up to you to write that script with the ending you want.  In the beginning, you want something.  You know the attendees want something too, or they wouldn’t bother showing up.  You take charge of the scene (through competence, passion and clarity) and soar above and beyond pursuing what you want.  YOU bring all the characters’ desires into alignment, creating a glorious win-win situation.

When you prepare your presentation like a script, with laser beam focus on your objectives and the attendees’, you can’t fail to connect with them.  

Still feeling stressed about prepping your big presentation?  Click an image for an inspiring mantra and have a chuckle (or even a little dance party) at your desk as you answer the musical questions.

What chou want?

Once the script is done, we’ll parlay your objective into smooth, expressive, effective use of your voice, physicality, and visual aids.  Stay tuned.